Prof. Fausto Di Biase
Corso di Laurea: CLECEF 6CFU
Settore scientifico disciplinare: MAT/05
Dipartimento di Scienze
Numero di telefono: 085 453 7682
office hours: the two hours following the lectures
Semester: I
Goals: to provide students with operational abilities in differential and integral calculus in more variables, especially in applications to economics.
Basics in linear algebra and analytic geometry. Differential calculis in more variables. Topics in differential equations. Applications to optimization problems.
Book: BRAMANTI MARCO, PAGANI CARLO DOMENICO, SALSA SANDRO; MATEMATICA: Calcolo infinitesimale e algebra lineare. (Seconda edizione, p.656). ISBN 978-8808-07547-5
Written and oral exam