1. F. Crespi, M. Cerulo, The sociological thought, Second edition, il Mulino, Bologna, 2022.
2. D. Altobelli, The legacy of the present. Capitalism, forms of life, utopia, Mimesis, Milan, 2023.
3. A classic to be chosen from
K. Marx, Anthology. Capitalism. Instructions for use, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2015.
E. Durkheim, The elementary forms of religious life. The totemic system in Australia, Mimesis, Milan, 2013.
G. Simmel, Intuition of life. Four metaphysical chapters, Mimesis, Milan, 2021.
G.H. Mead, Mind, self and society, Giunti, Florence, 2010.
W. Benjamin, Aura and shock. Essays on media theory, Einaudi, Turin, 2012.
H. Marcuse, The One Dimensional Man, Einaudi, Turin, 1999,
M. Foucault, Anthology. The impatience of freedom, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2021.
J. Habermas, The future of human nature. The risks of a liberal genetics + J. Baudrillard, In the shadow of silent majorities, or the end of the social, Mimesis, Milan, 2019.
4. A recent and contemporary classic to be chosen from
G. Agamben, Homo sacer. Sovereign power and bare life, Einaudi, Turin, 2005.
B. Latour, Reassemble the social. Actor Network Theory, Mimesis, Milan, 2022.
S. Zuboff, The capitalism of surveillance, LUISS, Milan, 2019.
R. Jaeggi, Critique of forms of life, Mimesis, Milan, 2022.
D. Haraway, Chthulucene. Surviving on an infected planet, Nero, Rome, 2019.
D. Haraway, Cyborg Manifesto. Women, technologies and biopolitics of the body, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2018.
T. Morton, Iperoggetti, Nero, Rome, 2018.
R. Braidotti, The posthuman. Vol 1. Life beyond the individual, beyond the species, beyond death. Vol 2. Knowledge and subjectivity, DeriveApprodi, Rome;
Y.N. Harari, Homo Deus. Breve storia del futuro, Bompiani, Milano, 2018.