"G. d'Annunzio"
Basic sociological and legal knowledge.
The course contributes to the achievement of the educational objectives of the degree course, proposing to transmit to the student the necessary theoretical and applicative knowledge in the field of criminological and victimological disciplines, in order to be able to read and interpret the main deviant and criminal behaviors, in view of a future professional activity in the social and institutional sphere.
The course aims to retrace the main theoretical contributions of criminology and victimology, taking into account the complexity of the multidisciplinary articulations that characterize them and the social change. In this perspective, during the lessons, we will proceed to the analysis of some of the most relevant and current criminal manifestations, able to influence and condition the life paths of contemporary man.
The teaching will be divided into three parts: First part: analysis of the historical evolution of criminological thought by examining the different theoretical frameworks of reference influenced by the development of juridical, sociological and psychological disciplines. The aim is to identify the different theories that in the past and present have tried to explain the onset of the criminal phenomenon and its evolution over time in an interdisciplinary and integrated perspective. Second part: study of victimology, of its main theoretical constructs and of victimization processes (identification of the categories most at risk, the position of the victim in the procedural field) and contrast strategies for the prevention of victimization. Third part: study of the criminal phenomenon from the point of its phenomenological manifestations with particular attention to the motivations that lead to the crime and to the different conventional and non-conventional types of crime. We will also investigate the most effective strategies for contrasting and protecting the safety of the community
Marotta G., Criminologia. Storia, Teorie, Metodi, CEDAM, Padova, 2021. Antonilli A., Di Muzio F. (a cura di), La società della vittimizzazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021 (in corso di stampa).
• 48 hours of frontal lessons, of which 4 hours for in-depth seminars on topics of particular interest with the intervention of experts, 4 hours for exercises and group work. • 12 hours of assisted study and revision of the topics covered in the classroom; • 90 hours of self-study • Overall commitment: 48 hours of lessons, 12 hours of assisted study, 90 hours of self-study
The exam consists of a 90-minute written test (open questions, aimed at verifying the knowledge of the theoretical part of the topics covered in class)
Conferences and seminars