"G. d'Annunzio"
Basic sociological and legal knowledge.
The teaching contributes to the achievement of the educational objectives of the degree course especially with reference to the purpose of acquiring a deep knowledge of sociological culture and of evolution of study of society with particular reference to its interconnections with the phenomenon of law and the implementation of human rights. It also contributes to the achievement of objective of providing knowledge and skills applicable to monitoring of prison institutionsAt the end of the course, students will be able to recognize the specificity of normative messages that today's society produces, legal culture that is their source, social mechanisms of production and implementation of law. They will also be able to sociologically analyze the problems of the prison institution in view of implementation of prison life management policies in the light of legislation on the rights of prisoners.
a) Researches and problems of the sociology of law b) Sociological analysis of penitentiary institution
a) Researches and problems of the sociology of law - The sociological approach to law - The normative messages in society - Society and legal rules - Internal and external legal culture - Learning the rules - Legislative process and law production - The process of implementing the rules - The construction of crime and the criminal - The pluralism of legal systems - The sociology of law and the values of law
b) Analysis of the penitentiary institutions - Origins and evolution of the penitentiary - Philosophy of punishment and detention - Social organization of prison life - Conditions of detention and emerging problems
Cottino A. (a cura di), Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto, Zanichelli, Milano, 2019 (seconda edizione)
Vianello F., Sociologia del carcere. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma, 2019.
Fassone E., Fine pena ora, Sellerio, Palermo, 2015.
• 48 hours of frontal lessons, of which 4 hours for in-depth seminars on topics of particular interest with the intervention of experts, 4 hours for exercises and group work. • 12 hours of assisted study and revision of the topics covered in the classroom; • 90 ho urs of self-study • Overall commitment: 48 hours of lessons, 12 hours of assisted study, 90 hours of self-study
The exam consists of a 90-minute written test (open questions, aimed at verifying the knowledge of the theoretical part of the topics covered in class)
Conferences and seminars