"G. d'Annunzio"
This course aims to introduce students to individual and collective decision theory in social sciences. Contributions from sociology, economics, psychology, philosophy, epistemology, biology, will be analysed. A particular attention will be dedicated to study social processes and interactions within the analysis of action.
Normative and descriptive theories of decision making; theories of risk; heuristics and biases; collective decisions and social influence; sociological theories of risk.
Introduction to individual and collective decision making. Normative and descriptive decision making theories; homo economicus model; expected utility theory; heuristics and biases; game theory and strategic interactions; collective decisions and social influence. Actions, interactions and social processes. Analysis of social processes and interaction mechanisms among individual decisions and collective social decisions.
1) PLOUS S., The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making (online).
2) CIALDINI R.B., Influence. The psychology of Persuasion, 2021.
3) GIGERENZER G., Gut Feelings. Short Cuts to Better Decision Making, 2008.
Frontal lessons and seminars
Erasmus students have to contact the teacher during the first week of class in order to have information concerning the final exam's modalities and the possibility of paper presentation which will be evaluated with a grade and will exempt the student from the following text for the final exam:
- GIGERENZER G., Gut Feelings. Short Cuts to Better Decision Making, 2008.
To meet the teacher please come to class during teaching semester or contact teacher by email (albertina.oliverio@unich.it).