Political Parties and Movements after World War II till today
The syllabus for students who take the exam for 6 academic credits is the following:
1) S. Colarizi, PassatoPresente. All'origine dell'oggi. 1989-1994, Laterza, 2022
2) P. Ignazi, I partiti in Italia dal 1945 al 2018, Il Mulino, 2018, 351 pp.
3) Reading of the historical novel by E. Deaglio, La bomba. Cinquant'anni di Piazza Fontana, Feltrinelli 2019
The syllabus aims at deepening and expanding the Students’ knowledge about some themes regarding Political Parties and Movements in Italy during the Republican age, starting from the second post-war period. Referring to the general objectives, and taking into account the objectives of the BA program, at the end of the course the students will have to reach a critical attitude which allows them to evaluate the cause-effect relationships of the historical events; they will have to analyze historical phenomena; to compare historical events; to carry out a scientific research; to make comparisons with other disciplines on some historical aspects (such as Literature or Anthropology). As regards the specific objectives of the discipline, students will have to gain a correct command of the specific historical language related to the course contents; they will have to carry out archival research; to know the historiography about specific themes; they will have to collect bibliographic material and information; to grasp connections of events; to prepare a history lesson on a set theme; to report to the working group on a specific topic; to write a text with notes; to know how to analyze a political case in a critical way.