Develop technical-operational, relational and clinical reasoning skills Assume professional behavior through an active attitude, continuous commitment to the internship The planned learning activities are divided into: - Clinical activities: experience in services, medical and surgical operational units. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING In the 1st year internship the student: - Check your expectations and activate the first socialization with the nursing role - Identify behavioral measures to prevent professional risk to protect one's own safety and that of others - Identifies appropriate methods and tools to ascertain problems in patients admitted to low/medium complexity medical/surgical settings - Identifies the basic nursing care problems and care priorities of the patients admitted - Includes the professional relationship with patients and their family members or caregivers ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING In the clinical internship, the skills indicated in the "skills" objectives of each student are applied, under the supervision of the clinical tutor, in accordance with the teachings and laboratories that provided preparatory knowledge and skills of a biomedical nature, on the determinants of health and diseases. , basic hygiene-preventive, on the foundations of nursing discipline and safety in care contexts. The internship aims to help students acquire first level nursing assessment skills, clinical reasoning and planning skills of care for patients with care complexity medium/low. Through the internship I student is trained under the supervision of a tutor clinician, duly trained and appointed by the Council of Course at: - Apply the principles necessary to protect one's own safety and that of others (operators and patients). - Adopt professional risk prevention strategies. - Ensure nursing care based on the best available evidence, on safety, dignity, advocacy and confidentiality, for patients cared for at different stages of life. - Carry out the first level nursing assessment for compromised models and applying different methods such as: observation, interview, objective examination and consulting direct and indirect sources, in patients admitted in medical and/or surgical settings of low/medium complexity. - Detect vital parameters and anthropometric measurements and recognize the normal/alteration ranges in patients admitted to low/medium complexity medical and/or surgical settings. - Use quantitative and qualitative measurement tools to detect and compare healthcare phenomena and/or their risk of development (risk assessment scales and healthcare indices) such as falls, bedsores, malnutrition, anxiety, pain, confusion and delirium in patients welcomed in medical and/or surgical settings of low/medium complexity. - Identify the patient's real or potential nursing care problems of medium/low complexity. - Apply prevention and care/treatment measures for pressure ulcers. - Implement falls prevention interventions in medium/low complexity assisted patients. - Manage urinary and faecal elimination in non-self-sufficient patients. - Identify and prevent dehydration problems in low/medium complexity patients. - Manage the mobilization and transfers of non-self-sufficient patients. - Carry out, with close supervision of the clinical tutor, the administration of drugs that can only be administered orally, sublingually, inhaled and subcutaneously, applying the safety principles and recognizing the desired reactions.
- Interpret the Single Therapy Sheet (FUT), recognizing the conventional acronyms, where to find information regarding administration (such as allergies and drug suspension), the conventional abbreviations and indicators of prescriptive completeness - Carry out the integrity check of the drug (expiration date, packaging status, conservation) - Apply dosage calculation - Prepare/reconstitute the drug according to dosage/calculation as prescribed - Administer the drugs orally, sublingually, topically, inhaled according to medical prescription. Patient preparation in compliance with safety and prescription rules and recommendations - Perform subcutaneous injection, recognizing the suitable anatomical areas, preventing pain and ecchymosis/hematoma from the injection technique - Ensure registration of drug administration - Provide the patient and/or caregiver with information to help maintain and/or recover health - Document the nursing care planned, provided and evaluated under the supervision of the tutor INDEPENDENCE OF JUDGMENT - Choose professional risk prevention strategies to protect your own and others' safety - Choose the appropriate times and spaces to carry out the nursing assessment - Identify the care priorities of patients admitted in low/medium complexity medical/surgical settings - Take responsibility for one's own actions and the care results achieved with supervision, in patients admitted to low/medium complexity medical/surgical settings - Seek continuous discussion with the clinical tutor in new and/or more complex situations - Report errors/near errors to the tutor that may have consequences on the patient - Demonstrate behavior consistent with the recommendations indicated by the academic regulations, the internship guidelines and the recommended ethical and deontological indications COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Activate and manage the helping relationship with the user, his family and significant others. - Ensure effective communication through the use of verbal and non-verbal codes, facilitating the expression of emotions. - Support the person in the self-management of care problems of medium/low complexity. - Interact with the other professionals involved in the care process, respecting the areas of responsibility and competence. LEARNING SKILLS - Critically reflect on one's learning expectations with respect to clinical practice models and debriefings with the teaching tutor. - Reflect critically on the emotional impact of the first internship experience, on the difficulties encountered, on the expected and unexpected aspects and on the strategies activated or that can be activated and their effectiveness - Discuss the experience of a guided internship with third year students. - Critically reflect on the healthcare/clinical situations experienced during training according to the stages of clinical methodology. - Request supervision and feedback from the clinical, teaching tutor or senior student, in clinical learning contexts. - Reflect on the learning process and identify your needs for the acquisition of the expected skills. - Actively contribute to one's own learning by offering internship experiences and activities in advance. - Develop independent study skills in the analysis of healthcare cases. Learning ability . Ability to apply knowledge and understanding