Specific learning objectives related to prevention and safety in the workplace: Learn more about issues related to prevention and safety in healthcare settings (manual handling of loads) Know standardized and validated tools that explore the clinical and functional aspects of the patient with the aim of detecting and quantifying problems EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Identify preventive behavioral measures for the risk of biomechanical overload during manual load handling (MMC) in a healthcare setting. Identify health aids for MMC based on the patient's clinical conditions and posture/transfer assistance activities. define the most appropriate intervention to solve the problems, measure the results obtained, identify, if necessary, the most suitable care intervention for discharge.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Ascertain the clinical conditions of the patient to apply the appropriate procedures according to the degree of collaboration and the presence of neuromotor/psychic and/or physical disorders/pathologies (such as neurological, orthopedic pathologies, obesity). Apply the postures for the patient safely, respecting the principles of ergonomics for the operator and using specific aids (major and minor). Implement postural changes (posture in bed, rotation maneuvers on the side and grip points, patient with stroke; bed-wheelchair transition with ergonomic belt and disc; bed-wheelchair with sliding board; bed-wheelchair patient with stroke [cross grip ]; bed-bed with sliding board and sheets; bed-wheelchair with lift; repositioning in wheelchair; bed-wheelchair transition in surgical patient with hip prosthesis - towards the healthy side and towards the operated side). Use scales and/or assessment tools to evaluate a patient's functional capacity, the presence and/or severity of a problem such as pain, incontinence. the risk of pressure sores, the state of consciousness, etc. etc.. Proceed with the analysis of the patient's condition conducted on the basis of well-defined parameters
INDEPENDENCE OF JUDGMENT Develop decision-making skills in managing movement according to the psycho/neuromotor disability in order to guarantee the safety, comfort and clinical condition of the patient. Choose the appropriate aids, devices and postures to guarantee movement and prevent: a) for the patient, falls - dislocation of joint prostheses - accidental injuries - pressure injuries; b) for the operator, falls and spinal injuries Develop decision-making skills in choosing the most appropriate care indices and evaluation scales KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Identify risk factors based on the tools that allow the investigation phenomenon to be measured in its entire variability, even at the lowest intensities.
ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Recognize the specific protective measures to be taken. Recognize the different types of rating scales based on the identified problem INDEPENDENCE OF JUDGMENT Choose the case management methods based on the clinical and healthcare problems COMMUNICATION SKILLS communicate objectively to other operators in the clinical-care network,