- Knowledge of the history of psychology and of the main theories; structuralism, behaviourism, Gestalt, cognitivism, humanistic-existential psychology, Piaget, the theory of multiple intelligences; Freud and psychoanalysis.
- Cognitive, Emotional and Motivational Processes (Learning, Perception, Attention, Memory, Intelligence, Emotions, Motivation).
- Communication, effectiveness of communication, axioms of communication, nurse-patient communication
- Listening and empathy - The help relationship
- Using kindness.
- Management of conflicts with patients and operators.
-The risks associated with the profession of help and care. THE Burn out
- Defense mechanisms and strategies
- Structure of the personality
-Psychological reactions and defense mechanisms in the face of disease.
-Mourning and its elaboration.
- Behavioral management of patients with dementia.
-The Basaglia law.
- Elements of Psychoeducation.
-Psychosomatic disorders