Know the conceptual models of nursing care;
Apply the nursing process and guide nursing action with responsibility, ethics and deontology in the professional exercise aimed at the person, the family and the community.
Specific training objectives and expected skills
- Know, manage and evaluate nursing care based on the guiding principles: Caring, Empathy, Therapeutic Relationship/education
- Implement the nursing process through assessment methods and tools
- Use the nursing care process when taking care of users
Knowledge and understanding
- applying technical and care planning interventions according to the clinical method and the evidence that guides decision making
- Describe the appearance of signs and symptoms on the patient, their interrelationship and the way in which they can be evaluated;
- Describe the main interactions between drugs;
- Describe the methods of administration of pharmacological therapy naturally;
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- conduct a complete and systematic assessment of the individual's care needs
- use evaluation techniques to collect accurate data on the main health problems of patients
- accurately analyze and interpret the data collected through assessment of the patient
- plan the provision of nursing care in collaboration with users and the interdisciplinary care team
Making judgments
- make care decisions
- decide priorities on groups of patients
- decide on the interventions to assign to the support staff
- decide on healthcare and personalized interventions based on clinical, psychosocial and cultural variables
- critically evaluate the outcomes of care decisions taken on the basis of patient outcomes and care standards
- assume responsibility and be accountable for one's actions during professional practice in accordance with the profile, the code of ethics and ethical and legal standards
- make decisions through a scientific approach to solving patient problems
- analyze organizational problems and propose solutions
- apply the decision-making process also addressing situations of ethical conflict
- evaluate and intervene in patient problems relating to:
• nutrition and metabolism (nutrition, skin, hydration
• elimination (urinary, faecal);
• sleep and rest
Communication skills
- use appropriate communication skills with clients of all ages and their families within the care process and/or with other healthcare professionals in appropriate verbal, non-verbal and written form
- develop a communication method useful for supporting a helping relationship adapted to the prevailing clinical situations and directed at patients and their families
- develop a communication method suitable for conveying educational and training interventions aimed at individual users, families and groups, as well as other professionals (support workers, nursing students, nurses)
- use appropriate communication methods in the team
- master the appropriate terminology for effective nursing communication
Ability to learn (Learning skills)
- develop independent study skills
- demonstrate the ability to cultivate doubts and tolerate the uncertainties arising from study and practical activity by asking suitable and relevant questions to resolve them
- demonstrate the ability to continuously seek self-learning opportunities
- demonstrate the ability to self-assess one's skills and outline one's development and learning needs
- demonstrate collaborative learning and knowledge sharing skills within work teams
- demonstrate ability and autonomy in seeking the information necessary to resolve problems or uncertainties of professional practice, critically selecting secondary and primary sources of research evidence