Assessment method: ORAL exam or WRITTEN exam, according to the student's choice as specified as follows.
Characteristics of the ORAL exam.
- The oral exam can be sustained by the student of the cohort on the occasion of every exam to which he/she can legitimately enroll.
- The oral exam will be in the form of questions that the examiner will ask to the candidate.
- The candidate will be marked according to the amount and accuracy of the knowledge that he/she is expected to have learned, on his/her ability to expound on it and on his/her ability to critically examine the historical evolution in question, including the interaction between different cultural perspectives.
- Marks will be given out of thirty.
- Incoming students in international mobility can take the oral exam in English.
Characteristics of the WRITTEN test.
- The written test can be chosen by the cohort student in a single date, which will be communicated separately.
- The written test is restricted to students who qualify themselves as "NON-attending students" and focuses on the evolution of philosophical thought from the Late Antiquity to the Modern Age.
- The written test has the form of a multiple choice test.
- The candidate will be marked according to his/her ability to understand the possibile answers and to choose the correct ones; the test is arranged in order to evaluate the precision and accuracy of the knowledge of the student and his/her capability to examine critically the historical evolution of thought, also in the dimension of the interaction between different cultural perspectives .
- Marks will be given out of thirty.
- Further details on the written test, the way to calculate the final grade, date and time of the test, will be published in the "materiale didattico" section of the website of the Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic-Quantitative Sciences.
If the University provides for it, exams will take place, in whole or in part, online.