The examination consists of a written test, a mode that allows the control of learning of the discipline and verifies the level of knowledge of the topics indicated in the program. Finally, it verifies that the student has acquired knowledge of the discipline, the ability to interpret as well as clear and comprehensive exposition skills, therefore communication skills although they are in written form.
The written test consists in a sections of open questions and multiple-choice questions. These are maximum n. 5 of them for each kind of question.
The evaluation is the result of adding the scores accrued by the answers to questions. The correct answer to each multiple choice question involves attributing a score equal to 1. The answer to each open-ended question involves attributing a score from 0 to 5, depending on whether the answer demonstrates a level of preparation insufficient, sufficient, good, very good, or excellent preparation. The correct answer to all multiple choice questions combined with the answer that demonstrates an excellent level of preparation for all open-ended questions involves the final attribution of a grade of 30/30 with the addition of honors. Failure to achieve the minimum score of 18/30 leads to failure to pass the exam.
The final evaluation consists in a grade that goes from 1 to 30 with honors, according to the following methods: 1-17, no passing grade; 18-21, passing grade; 22-24, fair; 25-27, good; 28-29, very good; 30-30 with honors, excellent.
The teacher proposes the elaboration and critical discussion of case studies (carried out individually or in groups of up to 5 people), to be discussed in the classroom. With this work, each student has the opportunity to be able to do in-depth research on the topic that has been of most interest to him or her, and work is done on the student's interaction with other group members.
The project work must include: the complete training project, bibliography and website sources, the goal of this project, and finally, own solutions to solve any issues deriving from these discussions.
Project work will be appreciated by the teacher, but will not be evaluated for the purpose of the exam: it will give students the opportunity to measure their learning and comparison skills with other colleagues. It represents an interesting moment of growth.
The teacher offers the possibility of a formative and ongoing evaluation in order to provide students with feedback on the achievement of the educational objectives, before the summative tests on appeal. The modalities of the ongoing formative evaluation will be communicated during the course.
Students who achieve a positive evaluation (equal to or greater than 18), the vote will be proceed ex officio.
In the conclusion may will be a possible oral exam to define the final judgment (according to the professor's opinion).