Under the heading of "Science of Representation" includes those disciplines relating to the ICAR 17 design. Disciplinary organization of the Degree in Architecture, they are distributed in the first three years to converge to the 5th year under the Project conservation and representation (design conservation and representation), ie in the Laboratory of Science of the same name (12 credits).
The course consists in the epigraph from the integration of two disciplines: History of Descriptive Geometry and Representation.
The first matter is but the foundation of the disciplines of graphic and visual representation, and is the basis for all other in which the design is a means of expression and communication of visual thinking in architecture. Her study provides the tools, procedures and methods of representation is to develop the project from scratch, both for the documentation of the existing.
The second module (a few hours) wants to introduce the student to the knowledge of different graphic expressions produced in the field of architecture, in the course of time and in Western culture, including the Mediterranean, to understand the evolution and significance. It is necessary to deal with the evolutionary aspect of visual communication, filtered through geometric patterns, in order to make the student aware of the potential of the representation.
Descriptive Geometry
This module is the main core of the entire course, therefore, is carried out in seven hours per week devoted to the theoretical aspects of Projective Geometry. The study of the principles and scientific methods will allow students to appropriate geometric models and to manage them in areas that require the representation of architectural space, both real and ideal. Descriptive Geometry is the indispensable medium for the architect to understand the existing space and to see ideas developing analog and digital representations.
_ Summary of the arguments
1) The elements of technical drawing;
2) The geometric entities and critical operations;
3) The model of double orthogonal projections;
4) The isometric model;
5) The model perspective;
6) The theory of the shadows.
These arguments will be applied by the students in the classroom on exercises that, along with those to be developed in house weekly, will be delivered the exam. At the end of the lessons of each of the three models, the students will be asked to verify what has been assumed, through exercises graph-theoretical, bearing in mind that their evaluations support the final exam. Also examined will be presented three panels incentrale the three models applied to a building of contemporary architecture, agreed with the teacher. For the success of the examination will be available weekly reviews of the papers.
The better understanding of representative models will be achieved by knowing the ways of viewing the Architecture and the City according to various cultures. The form of the History of Representation addresses the different aspects of the graphic language (methods, techniques, iconic and symbolic values, etc..) In the historical evolution of the communication of the project. We analyze critically the representations of the Masters of the architecture to make aware the student architect of the codes of representation in relation to the methods and techniques used. All this leads us to understand the value of semantic and semiotic paradigm of representation in its socio-cultural context, and to consider the evolution of aesthetics in relation to the expressive needs of a given moment.
_Bibliografia Reference
M. Docci, D. Maestri, M. Gaiani, Scienza del disegno, Città Studi, Novara 2011
R. Migliari, Geometria Descrittiva, 2 voll., CittàStudi, Novara 2009
C. Cundari, Il Disegno. Ragioni. Fondamenti. Applicazioni, Kappa, Roma 2006
M. Docci, R. Migliari, Scienza della rappresentazione. Fondamenti e applicazioni della geometria descrittiva, NIS, Roma 1992.
AA.VV., Architettura moderna. L'avventura delle idee 1750-1980, a cura di V. Magnago Lampugnani, Electa, Milano 1985
L. Sacchi, L'idea di rappresentazione, Kappa, Roma 1994.
Examination methods
The final interview is the synthesis of knowledge and skill gained by the student in the Course of Descriptive Geometry 1A. Students are reminded that the above-mentioned interview you must submit all the deliverables produced in each area and time of the course, will be based on the comparison.