1. F.P. Ciglia, Filosofia della religione. Una breve introduzione (Lecture notes).
2. F.P. Ciglia, Fra Atene e Gerusalemme. Il «nuovo pensiero» di Franz Rosenzweig, Marietti 1820, Genova-Milano 2009 (the students of Philosophy are required to bring the following pages of the volume: 1-82; 145-253; the students of Educational Sciences are required to bring the following pages of the volume: 1-82, 200-253 and, furthermore, a further "Studio" of the volume, free choice, among those not included in the pages just mentioned).
3. M. Buber, L'eclissi di Dio. Considerazioni sul rapporto tra religione e filosofia, a cura di U. Schnabel, Passigli, Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze) 2001.
4. AA.VV., Il pensiero ebraico del Novecento, a cura di Adriano Fabris, Carocci, Roma 2015 (students are required to bring pp. 1-22, 54-98, and also six other chapters, free choice, of the volume, not included in the pages just mentioned).
3. M. Buber, Discorsi sull'educazione, a cura di A. Aluffi Pentini, Armando, Roma 2018.
4. G. Milan, Educare all'incontro. La pedagogia di Martin Buber, Città Nuova, Roma 2000.
Attendance to the course is an essential dimension of teaching and learning. The students of both paths, who, for serious and well-founded reasons, did not have the possibility to attend the lessons, will have to integrate their preparation with the study of the following additional text:
5. A. Fabris, Filosofia delle religioni, Carocci, Roma 2012.