B. Mondin, "Philosophical Anthropology. Man: an Impossible Project?", Rome: Urbaniana University Press, 1991.
E. Voegelin, "The History of the race idea.From Ray to Carus", Louisiana State University Press 1998.
C. Lévi Strauss, "Race and History", Unesco, Paris 1952.
Further reading:
M. Scheler, "The Human Place in the Cosmos", Northwestern University Press 2009 (or any other edition);
A. Gehlen, "Man. His nature and Place in the World", Columbia University Press 1988 (or any other edition);
J. de Mul, "Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology. Perspectives and Projects", Amsterdam University Press 2014.
N. Sesardic, "Race: a social destruction of a biological concept", Biology and Philosophy (2010), pp. 143–162