For the preparation for the fitness exam, the following two texts are recommended.
1) Knowledge for entering the world of work
Gabriele Di Francesco (edited by), in preparation.
2) The double diagnosis addict
Luigi Brandi, CeRIS, 2017
For further information we recommend the following texts
Proximity welfare. Active participation, social inclusion and community
Francesco Messia, Chiara Venturelli (ed.), Erickson, 2015.
Social inclusion and disability. Guidelines for the self-assessment of the inclusive capacity of the services Roberto Medeghini, Giuseppe Vadalà, Walter Fornasa, Angelo Nuzzo, Erickson, 2013.
Disability Studies. Emancipation, scholastic and social inclusion, citizenship
Roberto Medeghini, Simona D'Alessio, Angelo Marra, Giuseppe Vadalà, Enrico Valtellina,
Erickson, 2013.
Surfed teenagers. How to support the growth of digital natives
Matteo Lancini,, Erickson, 2015.
Working with families in communities for minors
Giammatteo Secchi, Erickson, 2015.
Ethics in practice in social service. Cases and comments in international perspective
Sarah Banks, Kirsten Nøhr (ed.), Erickson, 2014.
Ethics and health. Ethical views on health practice and organization
Vincenzo Alastra (edited by), Erickson, 2014.
Pluralist evaluation
Nicoletta Stame, FrancoAngeli, 2016.
For the purposes of the exam, the teacher reserves the right to substitute, modify or supplement some of the course content and to provide further bibliographical information also during the lessons, expanding the choice opportunities of the students.