University G. d’Annunzio - Architectural Department
Master degree in Architecture
a.a. 2017/2018
Design 21b
II° year (ICAR13 - 6 Cfu)
Prof. Massimo Di Nicolantonio
Tutor: dott.ssa, Ph.D. Jessica Lagatta
Discipline definition
Design relates to the theories, methods, techniques and tools of the industrial product project, in its building, technology, functional, formal characters, modalities of use and relations established with the socio-cultural and technical-productive context. Design embraces therefore multiple issues ranging from the product design, to its consumption, its disposal by placing its field of action in an area of interaction between morphological, technological and sociological spheres. Yacht design is framed as one of the possible areas of research of this discipline.
Objectives of the course
The Design course preliminary purpose is to offer the students an initial theoretical and experimental framework, of the teachings of the Industrial Design in the Master Degree in Architecture. The course also aims to provide the basic tools, analytical and operational purposes, for understanding the industrial products and the formulation of the project ideas (concept design) in the light of the needs expressed by contemporary society. In particular, the course intends to convey the "fundamentals" of the discipline, either through a methodological approach to the design process, through some early specialist contributions, which can help the student to understand the complexity of the matter and its multidimensional nature.
The application field of Design
The program of the course will take as the inquiry field of yacht design. The critical analysis of the product and the subsequent design exercise, will have as field of investigation, a pleasure boat.
knowledge of manual representation techniques of the project.
knowledge of the software used for 2-dimensional drawing, 3-dimensional design, representation, project communication programs.
knowledge of english language.
Teaching methods
The main topics of the lectures will cover: introduction to the yacht design; the role of the designer; theories, methods and tools of project; system project-product-user; the human factor; ergonomics in micro-habitable environments; traditional materials and material evolution; polymers and advanced composite plastics; production processes.
Step I:
Critical analysis of a pleasure boat.
Step II:
design brief (document containing the pre-design requirements of various kinds: technical, functional, fruition, morphological etc.).
concept design (representation of the idea behind the project is derived from the guidelines emerging from the analysis and the brief).
Examination methods
The course, in addition to laboratory activities with tutors, provides many steps of testing and evaluation, during the course and final evaluation.
The ongoing evaluation will cover:
-pre-design analysis of a pleasure craft
-concept design
the final assessment, on examination adhere to critical discussion of the design documents produced during the course, which will be the synthesis of all the design documents and a scale model of the product.
Supplementary activities
During the course will be on enabling communications related to specific and supplementary activities, in the form of seminars, daily workshops and impromptu, partecipation to design contest for students.
about general design culture
CELASCHI F. e DESERTI A., Design e innovazione, Carocci, Roma 2007
DE FUSCO R., Storia del design, Laterza, Roma 2006 (7 edizione)
TRABUCCO F., Design, Bollati Boringhieri 2015
about yacht design
VALLICELLI A. (a cura di), Design nautico, Sala, Pescara 2002
MUSIO SALE M., Yacht design. Dal concept alla rappresentazione, Tecniche nuove, Milano 2009
about sustainable tourism
MARANO A. (a cura di), Design e ambiente,, Milano 2004
VALLICELLI A. (a cura di), Turismo Ambiente Design,, Milano 2001
about materials and processes
ASHBY M. e JOHNSON K., Materiali e design, Ambrosiana, Milano 2005
LEVI M. e ROMAGNOLI V., Materiali per il design: espressività e sensorialità, Polipress, Milano 2005
Further references on specific issues will be provided during the lessons.