In line with the learning objectives of the degree course in "Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne", the course aims to provide theoretical and methodological tools for teaching foreign languages and Italian as a second language, also taking into account linguistic and cultural mediation issues.
Furthermore, the course aims to achieve the following LEARNING OUTCOMES in terms of:
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: knowledge of the fundamentals of intercultural pragmatics (the pragmatics between levels of language analysis, context, speech acts, conversation); the new contents and didactic-methodology of the new Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with reference to the concept of "mediation".
ABILITY TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: analysis of linguistic mediation activities in language teaching; application of the tools of conversational analysis.
MAKING JUDGMENTS: critically reflect on the teaching of languages in an intercultural perspective.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: to be able to describe the main translation approaches taken during the course and the role of translation activities in language teaching.