The course provides a theoretical reference framework on the fields of
linguistic and cultural mediation, with particular attention to the theories
developed within the sciences of language, in relation to the dynamics of
language contact.
- Russo, Mariachiara y Mack, Gabriele, 2005: Interpretazione di Trattativa.
La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e
professionale, Milano, Hoepli (only these chapters 1, 4, 6, 10 e 16).
- Trovato G., 2011: La interpretación bilateral: algunas reflexiones
metodológicas en torno a la combinación español-italiano.
In order to access this class, students need to have oral and written
comprehension and production skills corresponding to Level A2 of CEFR
for Spanish. In order to sit the exam for this class, students must have
passed the 1st year exam of Spanish Language.