1. Background
2. The sources of law and their evolution.
3. The sources of labor law at the international level and in the Constitution of the Republic.
4. Contractual sources: the industrial relations system, the collective agreement, the company contract.
5. Contractual sources: the individual contract, essential and accidental elements.
6. Other civil references: preliminary considerations, subordinate and self-employed work, subordination requirement.
7. Qualitative aspects of work performance: tasks, qualifications, categories.
8. Quantitative aspects of work performance: working hours and part-time regime.
9. Types of flexible contract: fixed-term contract, mixed-purpose contract types (apprenticeship and job training contract), intermittent work and temporary work.
10. The employer's powers: managerial, supervisory and control, disciplinary.
11. The employer's obligations: main and ancillary.
12. The worker's obligations: diligence, obedience and loyalty.
13. Worker's rights: property, personal, trade union rights.
14. The causes of termination of the employment relationship.
15. Individual and collective dismissal, for just cause and for justified objective and subjective reasons.
16. Prohibitions and exceptions to dismissal and sanctioning consequences for illegitimate dismissal.