Psychodynamic fundamentals in Clinical Psychology.
New definition of "unconscious" according to cognitivism and psychodynamic views: Allan Schore's concept of the Un-conscious. Implicit Memory and somatic memories. First two years of life and mechanisms of attachment: secure, insecure, disorganized. Affective Disregolation in psychopathological and destructive behavior and as evident in attacks onto the body. Affect disregulation as the aftermath of the first level of trauma (early relational trauma, Schore) and second level of trauma.
Communicative capacities in the relation with the other and diagnostic elements in the clinical interview and in the listening attitude.
Different psychodynamic treatments, in the expressive-supportive continuum. Brief and long term psychodynamic treatment. Ethical and therapeutic role and meaning of the concept of "testimony" in the encounter with the other and in the collectivity.
Mood disorders: psychodynamic cpmprehension of depression and suicidality in severe patients (also in borderline patients). Disorders correlated to traumatic and stressful events and dissociative disorders. Difference between dissociation and repression (as in the modern views of trauma and the Freudian view).
Personality disorders of Group B (in DSM -5) (borderline patient) del gruppo B (paziente borderline and group C (narcissistic and antisocial patients). developmental and multidimensional models of personality disorders. Concept of "borderline organization" as in Kernberg.
Health and stress in the mind-body-brain epigenetic model .
Trauma of human agency ves trauma of catastrofic natural origin (Liotti). Three traumatic levels of trauma of human agency: early relational trauma (Schore); maltreatment, neglect, abuse and incest (Ferenczi); massive trauma ( Shoah, war and genocide). intergenerational consequences of trauma: Dori Laub, Y Kogan, R. Yehuda and other authors. Real Trauma versus fantasmatic trauma (differences in the theory and practice of Freud and Ferenczi) and contemporary applications attuali applicazioni of Ferenczi's theory to relational psychotherapy. Differences between PTSD as in DSM-5 and Complex PTSD as in PDM-2.
.IWMs (Bolwby) and their repetition in different relational settings. Repetition compulsion and attachment.