Part I
- Energy in general. Energy sources. Classification and type. Energy
measurement. Earnings. Thermoeconomics. Historical aspects of the
engines and their technical evolution.
- Resources and reserves. World energy supply situation. The demand for
energy. Energy intensity and the causes of change in energy demand.
The Italian energy balance.
Part II
- Fossil fuels: generalities, historical aspects, resources and reserves,
chemical energy. Coal: historical aspects. Classification of carbons. Coal
transformation processes. Production and uses. International coal trade.
- Oil. Historical aspects. Research and extraction. Production and
international trade. Oil refining cycle. Petroleum products: evolution of
demand. Oil industry organization. The oil companies. Evolution of oil
- Natural gas: technical aspects. Uses. Reserves, production, transport,
trade. Italian situation.
- Nuclear energy: historical aspects. Nuclear fuel cycle. Enrichment
processes: technical and economic aspects. Location of nuclear power
plants and environment. Functioning and characteristics of nuclear power
plants: types of reactors. Uranium market and evolution of enrichment
services contracts. The confinement of radioactive waste: technical
aspects and microeconomic and macroeconomic factors that affect its
Part III
- Renewable energy sources: geothermal, wind, solar, biomass, minihydraulics.
Technical and economic aspects.
- Electricity: historical and technical aspects. Hydroelectric and
thermoelectric power: technical and economic comparisons. The cost of
producing electricity from the various primary sources. Electricity market
and international exchanges. Load diagram. Rates. The electrical
intensity: two case studies compared.
- Energy saving: rational use of energy and energy management. Energy
- Risks in energy production: for humans and the environment.
Comparisons between different sources. Environmental impact