Program of BIOCHEMISTRY Module (CFU = 2)
-PROTEINS: fibrous proteins, tertiary structure, quaternary structure, protein denaturation and factors that determine it. Digestion. Proteins: Essential and non-essential amino acids. Peptide bond, primary structure, secondary structures - Blood proteins: albumin, lipoproteins, gamma-globulins, fibrinogen.
-Hemoglobin: biochemistry of hemoglobin (Hb) and myoglobin (Mb), mechanism of cooperativity of O2 binding, interaction effect between Emi, Bohr effect. Hb dissociation curves. Factors influencing Hb affinity for O2; pH and partial pressure of O2. Hb buffer action. Fetal hemoglobin and pathological hemoglobins (sickle cell anemia).
- Enzymes: chemical properties, pH and temperature stability. Catalysis, theory of the catalytic site of Micaelis-Menten, Vmax, Km. Mechanism of action of dehydrogenases (NAD+ and FAD). Role of the Coenzymes. Relationship between hydrosoluble Vitamins and Coenzymes, hints of liposoluble vitamins.
- Lipids: omega classification, triglyceride and phospholipid structures. Digestion. Role in membranes.
- Carbohydrates: Digestion. classification, mono-, di-glycerides and polysaccharides, cyclical structures, reducing properties.
- Glucid metabolism: glycogen metabolism. Aerobic glycolysis and anaerobia. Alcoholic fermentation. Gluconeogenesis: Background. Pentose-phosphate pathway and role of NADPH. Krebs cycle. Role of vitamins in the Krebs cycle. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
- Mitochondrial bioenergetics: Energy-rich bonds: ATP respiratory chain, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, ATP. Chemiosmotic theory. ATP synthase. Respiratory chain inhibitors.
- Lipid-metabolism: Lipid digestion, absorption and transport-oxidation. Chetonic bodies formation. Interaction between lipid and carbohydrate metabolism..
- Protein metabolism and Amino acids: protein digestion. Deaminative transamination. UREA cycle.
- Collagen: structure of the tropocollagen. Role of Vitamin C in the maturation of Collagen. Collagenase.
- Elastina:
- Biochemical composition of the tooth: main components: collagen, proteoglycans, and phosphoproteins, dentin, cement, enamel.
- Saliva and its functions: salivary proteins, Saliva buffer systems.
- Biochemistry of Calcium, Phosphorus and Fluorine.
- The Enamel: enamel proteins, organic and inorganic components of mature enamel
- Biochemical aspects of caries: karyogenesis, acid products generated by bacterial fermentation in the presence of food residues.
-Fluoro and Fluorosis: effects of fluoride ions on enzyme systems and toxicity of fluorine