The teaching (Area Disciplinary Examination) is addressed to students (cohorts 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) who have chosen the Degree Laboratory in the thematic area "Project Conservation and Representation" and who want to develop a Thesis in Architectural Representation.
The teaching illustrates the most up-to-date themes of representation, proposing multidisciplinary thematic insights on the relationship between architecture and contemporary techno-culture.
The graduate, in addition to broadening and deepening the disciplinary knowledge on Architectural Design acquired in previous years, is invited to experiment with the most advanced technologies of representation (with focus on the most advanced methods and techniques of digital simulation of real and virtual space) preparatory to the elaboration of the thesis theme.
Educational objectives
The main educational objective of the teaching is to deepen the languages of Architectural Drawing (historical and contemporary) and the relationships that visual representation generates with the creative expression of the project and with new techno-cultures.
In particular, the study and experimentation of the most innovative methods of simulation of architectural space (both real and virtual) are the representative and conformative medium of the design proposals (case studies) arranged with the students.
As is well known, the "tools" are not aseptic towards the processes of creative elaboration, it is a matter of conquering the necessary techno-cultural and expressive awareness to learn how to "hold the direction" of a complex phenomenon, such as the design of living space.
All these training purposes correspond to the main expected learning outcomes.
In compliance with the constraints of the preparatory steps, it is necessary to have passed the three previous ICAR/17 disciplinary sector examinations.
Teaching methods
The teaching is organized in a didactic methodology (the traces of which are also published on the course website) articulated in modules of "ex cathedra" lessons, thematic seminars, workshops and collective reviews.
Obviously, the proposed study methodology offers the best results if the student has prior knowledge of the topics covered during the lessons (this is also done through "previews" available on the dedicated website), if the student takes notes in a structured and continuous way, and if he or she actively participates in the proposed exercises.
Each graduate elaborates the learning activities through a methodology widely explained and assisted, from time to time, by teachers and tutors.
Usually each day of work is set by an introduction by the professor that defines the topics and provides the references, techniques and methodologies to be used.
The work of the undergraduates is supported by thematic seminars and expanded by the information found in the texts made available and in the continuous references to multimedia supports and web sites.
At the end of each day of study (lesson, exercise, workshop, etc.), the undergraduates must arrive at a partial synthesis of the work, which will then be further defined through the thematic in-depth study to be carried out in the independently managed study hours (corresponding to the 8 CFU of the teaching).
The teaching offers students a dedicated website that contains an articulated set of online information such as, for example, the notice board, the program, the bibliography, some evaluations, drawings, images, videos, etc..
From the site, it is also possible to read traces of the teaching material.
Other information
The Disciplinary Examination (8 CFU; a University Educational Credit here corresponds to 8 hours of teaching or laboratory activity and 17 hours of individual study activity) is placed in the fifth year of the "Master's Degree in Architecture" and is part of the disciplines inherent to the Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR 17 Drawing.
In the disciplinary organization of the Master's Degree in Architecture in Single Cycle (LM-4, 5 years) of the Department of Architecture of the University of Studies "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, the disciplines of "Drawing" are distributed in the first three years (Descriptive Geometry; Survey of Architecture; Drawing of Architecture), to converge in the 5th year in the Degree Laboratory in "Conservation and Representation Project" (20 CFU), where undergraduates (cohorts 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) who have chosen to develop a Thesis in Architectural Representation find a training offer so articulated: Area Disciplinary Examination (8 CFU); Area Workshop (12 CFU verbalized by the teacher supervisor of the thesis).
Verification of learning
The verification of the graduate's learning (assessment and examination) takes into account the results achieved in two main areas of study (measured against the 8 CFU of teaching), preparatory to the development of the thesis: 1. Knowledge of the theoretical and operational content proposed by the teaching attended, to be ascertained through individual exercises carried out (with in itinere deliveries and assessments);
2. An individual oral test (interview on topics carried out during the cycle of lessons, etc.).
The final exam is, therefore, the verification of learning in the previous areas of study.
Bibliographical References
- V. Magnago Lampugnani (a cura di), L’avventura delle idee nell’architettura 1750-1980, Electa, Milano 1985.
- F. Purini, Il disegno è l'idea, in “XY, dimensioni del disegno” n. 13/1991, p. 24.
- T. Maldonado, Reale e virtuale, Feltrinelli, Milano 1992.
- P. Levy, Il virtuale, Cortina Raffaello editore, Milano 1997.
- Z. Bauman, Modernità liquida, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2011 (ed. orig. 2000).
- L. Sacchi, Disegno architettonico, in Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma 2000. Consultabile in rete:
- L. Sacchi, M. Unali (a cura di), Architettura e cultura digitale, Skira, Milano 2003.
- AA.VV., Il Disegno dell'architettura italiana nel XX secolo, a cura di C. Mezzetti, ed. Kappa, Roma 2003.
- A. Saggio, Introduzione alla rivoluzione informatica in architettura, Carocci, Roma 2007.
- M. Unali (a cura di), Abitare virtuale significa rappresentare, Kappa, Roma 2008.
- M. Unali (a cura di), New Lineamenta, Kappa, Roma 2009.
- M. Unali, Qual è il modello di rappresentazione compreso nella rivoluzione informatica?, in “Disegnare. Idee, immagini”, n. 38, ed. Gangemi, Roma 2009, pp. 30-39.
- M. Unali, Architettura effimera, in XXI Secolo, Gli spazi e le arti, opera diretta da T. Gregory, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma 2010, pp. 345-353. Consultabile in rete:
- R. Migliari, I fondamenti geometrici della progettazione, in XXI Secolo, Gli spazi e le arti. Opera diretta da T. Gregory, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, Roma 2010. Consultabile in rete:
- M. Unali, Atlante dell'abitare virtuale. Il disegno della città virtuale, fra ricerca e didattica, Gangemi, Roma 2014.
- C. Palestini, Atlante della palazzina a Pescara: progetti, realizzazioni, rilievi, Gangemi, Roma 2016.
- M. Carpo, The Second Digital Turn, The MIT Press, 2017.
- G. Caffio, Disegno (dell’) effimero. Street art tra conservazione e impermanenza. Ephemeral drawing. Street art between conservation and impermanence. In “Agathón”, n.4/2018, pp. 211-218.
ISSN 2532-683X consultabile online
- M. Unali, Architettura e tecnocultura “post” digitale. Verso una storia, in “Op. Cit.” rivista quadrimestrale di selezione della critica d’arte contemporanea”, diretta da R. De Fusco, n. 164, gennaio 2019, pp. 5-21. Consultabile in rete:
- L. Floridi, Pensare l'infosfera, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2020.
During the course of the teaching, in relation to the different topics dealt with, other thematic-disciplinary references will be added to the basic bibliography: texts, websites, exhibitions, videos, images and various multimedia supports.
The references recommended and presented during the lessons will also be available online on the teaching site.