Surgical anatomy of cervicofacial region, face and neck
Fractures: mandible, zygoma, maxilla, orbital fractures, fronto-naso-etmoidal, panfacial.
TMA Pathologies
Hard and soft tissues pathologies
Precancer lesions
Biopsy technique
Hard and soft tissues neoplastic lesions, odontogenic and non odontogenic
Surgical therapy principles
Craniofacial theories
Orthognathic surgery
Distraction osteogenesis
Craniofacial malformations (Syndromic and non syndromic)
Bone methabolism
Atrophioc jaws classification
Preprosthetic surgery (regenerative, free bone grafting, revascularized bone grafting)
Salivary gland
Lithiasis, sialoadenitis, neoplastic pathology