Contents and basic concepts for the knowledge of sociology. The cultural origins of the idea of a science of society. The historical matrices and the development of sociological thought in Europe and in America. The classic themes of sociological reflection. The methodology and techniques of sociological research. New trends and contemporary sociologists.
For the purposes of the examinations we recommend three books:
- Teresa Grande, Ercole Giap Parini, Sociologia. Problemi, teorie, intrecci storici, Carocci, 2014.
- G. Di Francesco, Strumenti per la ricerca sociale, CeRIS, 1998.
A book chosen from the following:
- G. Di Francesco, Potenti re e valorosi eroi. Lettura sociometrica e valenze psicosociali dell'Iliade, (titolo provvisorio in preparazione).
- Edward Banfield, Le basi morali di una società arretrata, il Mulino, Bologna, 2013.
- G. Di Francesco, I giovani nella chiesa locale, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
- G. Di Francesco (a cura di), Narrazioni di pandemia, Vicolo del pavone editore, Alessandria, 2021.
- G. Di Francesco, Conoscenze per il mondo del lavoro (titolo provvisorio in preparazione).
For the purposes of the exam, the teacher reserves the right to substitute, modify or supplement some of the course content and to provide further bibliographical information also during the lessons, expanding the choice opportunities of the students.
The educational objectives of the course of Sociology Institutes are to introduce the basic vocabulary of the discipline, as well as the study of its main categories of analysis, the concepts, methodology and techniques of social research, as well as the study of at least one sociologist classic. conceptual.
At the end of the course the students must have a satisfactory competence for each of the disciplinary areas indicated.
No prerequisites
Frontal lessons. Possible use of slides, movies and audiovisuals. Sociological games. Technical-methodological applications in the field. The lessons can be appropriately supplemented by seminar and in-depth interventions, with the participation of scholars, experts and experts in the subject.
For any personal information, not for the purposes of the examinations, we also recommend the following texts:
- Bagnasco A., Barbagli M., Cavalli A., Sociologia. I concetti di base, il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.
- de Lillo A., Arosio L., Sarti S., Terraneo M., Zoboli S., Metodi e tecniche della ricerca sociale. Manuale d’uso per l’indagine quantitativa, Pearson Italia, Torino-Milano, 2011.
- de Lillo A. (a cura di), Il mondo della ricerca qualitativa, UTET università, Torino, 2010.
- Cannavò L. e Frudà L. (a cura di), Ricerca Sociale. Dal progetto dell'indagine alla costruzione degli indici, Carocci, 2007 (vol. I).
- Cannavò L. e Frudà L. (a cura di), Ricerca Sociale. Tecniche speciali di rilevazione, trattamento e analisi, Carocci, Roma, 2007 (vol II).
Oral examination.
Learning will be verified through an oral examination. The score ranges from 1 to 30 with honors, according to the following: 1-17 insufficient, 18 -21 sufficent, 22-24 discrete, 25-27 good, 28-29 very good, 30-30 with excellent praise.
The examination procedures are the same for attending and non-attending students.
Rating: Final vote
The teacher reserves the right to use the verification method through written tests.
Contents and basic concepts for the knowledge of sociology. The cultural origins of the idea of a science of society. The historical matrices and the development of sociological thought in Europe and in America. The classic themes of sociological reflection. The methodology and techniques of sociological research. New trends and contemporary sociologists.