Fundamental concepts, practices and empirical experiences of situations of social emergencies, arising from natural events, disasters, socio-health emergencies, epidemic phenomena and marginal conditions.
For exam preparation we recommend the following books:
1) G. Di Francesco (a cura di), Emergenze sociali - provisional title in preparation -, CeRIS, 2021.
2) G. Di Francesco (a cura di), Narrazioni di pandemia, primo capitolo, Edizioni Vicolo del Pavone, 2021.
For the purposes of the exam, the teacher reserves the right to replace, modify or integrate some course contents and to provide further bibliographic information even during the lessons, expanding the opportunities for students to choose.
Among the training objectives the following are highlighted:
1) knowing how to reflect on the essence and types of social emergencies in the area;
2) knowing how to deal with emergency situations in the context of social and socio-health work;
3) to face critical situations and social and socio-health emergency;
4) put in place professionally suitable interventions to build aid and resilience paths;
5) knowing how to implement prevention and communication models for emergencies;
6) knowing how to deal with critical situations, emergencies, risks and dangers within the Services.
No prerequisites
Frontal lessons in the presence and online. Possible use of slides, movies and audiovisuals. Sociological games. Technical-methodological applications in the field. The lessons can be appropriately supplemented by seminar and in-depth interventions, with the participation of scholars, experts and experts in the subject.
For any personal insights, not for the purposes of the exams, further texts and research reports will be recommended.
For any personal insights, not for the purposes of the exams, further texts and research will be recommended.
Oral examination.
Learning will be verified through an oral examination. The score ranges from 1 to 30 with honors, according to the following: 1-17 insufficient, 18 -21 sufficent, 22-24 discrete, 25-27 good, 28-29 very good, 30-30 with excellent praise.
The examination procedures are the same for attending and non-attending students.
Rating: Final vote
The teacher reserves the right to use the verification method through written tests.
For some specific aspects, teaching cannot disregard the concepts of territorial sustainability and quality of life.