Through lectures and seminars held by experts in the relevant areas of Social Work, the course aims to provide additional knowledge useful for the world of work. At least 10 seminars related to the areas of Social Work are planned to be held throughout the academic year. It will be necessary to attend professionalising and work-oriented lectures/seminars and various seminars held by experts during the academic year in question, in addition to the necessary participation in the thematic conferences of the Degree Course in Social Work or related to LM87 topics.
The main training objective of the course is to provide students with a broader and deeper knowledge of the world of work, especially in the areas of professional social work and the sectors with which future social workers will necessarily have to relate.
The expected competences are basically the formation of an awareness of employment options and the different areas of interest in the world of work.
Students not coming from a three-year degree in Social Work (L-39 or earlier) also bring the following propaedeutic text:
1) Inclusione sociale e disabilità. Linee guida per l'autovalutazione della capacità inclusiva dei servizi, Roberto Medeghini, Giuseppe Vadalà, Walter Fornasa, Angelo Nuzzo, Erickson, (nuova edizione).
2) Il welfare di prossimità. Partecipazione attiva, inclusione sociale e comunità, Francesco Messia, Chiara Venturelli (a cura di), Erickson, (nuova edizione).
3) Etica e salute. Sguardi etici sulla pratica e sull’organizzazione sanitaria, Vincenzo Alastra (a cura di), Erickson, (Nuova edizione).