Basic physical properties of the atmosphere
Vertical profile of the atmosphere
Black body radiation
Albedo and Greenhouse effect
Climate models
Multi-level climate model of the greenhouse effect and radiative forcing
Energy balance in Urban Canyons
Heat island concepts
Local warming measurements and heat islands
Conference of the Parties (COP): focus on the Paris Agreement
The Carbon Cycle
Climate-altering gases
Climate change and cities: emissions
Emissions inventory in Italy
Measurement of greenhouse gases in urban areas
Definition of climate change mitigation, AR5 IPCC report, scenarios, and future projections
Climate change mitigation plans. How to draw up a mitigation plan. Greenhouse gas emissions inventory
Implementation of a CO2 mitigation plan
CO2 sequestration techniques
Atmospheric pollution
Ozone precursors, pollutant transport Emissions of organic volatile compounds: anthropogenic and natural, Missing OH reactivity.
Atmospheric aerosol
Atmospheric observation systems
Temperature measuring instruments and use of web-based data platforms
Systems for measuring pressure, humidity, wind, clouds
Observational systems of chemical composition and atmospheric particles