Teaching methodologies
The course on Adaptation to climate change combines moments of distance learning (e-learning mode) with face-to-face laboratory moments (workshop). It is divided into different teaching modules: Intro, Lessons, Tools, Case study. Each module has specific training objectives and learning methodologies, aimed at making the student acquire: sensitivity towards environmental issues; mastery with the tools of the urban planning discipline on the subject of climate change; capacity for critical and analytical elaboration of urban and territorial phenomena; knowledge of the phenomena that determine climate change and of the possibilities for mitigation and adaptation. The course offers students a dedicated section of the professor's website: www.paolofusero.it/didattica. The section contains an articulated set of online services such as the bulletin board, the mail box, the programmes, the calendar of activities, reservations, information, assessments of the tests, etc. From the site it is also possible to download the teaching material of all the lessons held by the professor. The course also uses a Facebook group used for quick exchanges of information between the teacher, tutors and students.