The chemistry of life (not in detail):
- Atoms and carbon molecules
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Nucleic acids
The organization of the cell:
- Cell theory
- The organization and size of the cell
- Cell study methods
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- The cell nucleus
- The cytoplasmic organelles provided with a membrane
- The cytoskeleton
- Cellular coatings
Biological membranes (not in detail):
- The structure of biological membranes
- The passage of materials through biological membranes
- Passive transport
- Active transport
- Exocytosis and endocytosis
- Cellular junctions
- Cellular signaling: an overview
The processes of aerobiosis and cellular anaerobiosis:
- Redox reaction
- The four stages of aerobic respiration
- The energy yield of nutrients other than glucose
- Anaerobic respiration and fermentation
The structure of the chromosomes and the processes of mitosis and meiosis (not in detail):
- Eukaryotic chromosomes
- The cell cycle and mitosis
- Stem cells and tissue homeostasis
- Cell cycle regulation
- Sexual reproduction and meiosis
DNA structure and replication (not in detail):
- Evidence showing that DNA is the hereditary material
- The structure of DNA
- DNA replication
The gene expression:
- The discovery of the gene-protein relationship
- Information flow from DNA to proteins: an overview
- The transcription
- Translation
Viruses and subviral agents:
- Status and structure of viruses
- Virus classification
- Viral replication
-Viruses and diseases
- Virus evolution
- Subviral agents
Bacteria and archaeobacteria:
-The structure and reproduction
- Epithelial Tissue, exocrine and endocrine glands;
- Connective Tissue: connective, adipose, carstilaginous, bone and haematopoietic tissue;
- Muscolar tissue: skeletal, cardiac and smooth;
- Nervous tissue.
- Embryological tissues development.
Introduction to the study of Human Anatomy;
Osteoarticular apparatus: skull, vertebral column, rib cage, pelvis, arms and legs. Classification and structure of joints.
Muscular apparatus: Diaphragm, muscles of the abdominal wall. Urogenital diaphgram. Muscles of thorax and limbs.
Nervous system: central nervous system, spinal cord, encefalic nerve nuclei, reticular formation. Meninges and liquoral circulation. Spinal and cranic nerves. Periferic nervous system: structure, neurotransmitters. Autonomous nervous system.
Endocrine apparatus.
Blood circulatory apparatus: heart, pulmonary and system circulations. Circle of Willis, portal systems.
Respiratory apparatus: respiratory ways and lungs.
Digestive apparatus: digestive canal. Liver, pancreas.
Excretory apparatus: kydneys, urinary tracts.