Introduction to the study of Hygiene
Hygiene objectives: scientific, educational and operational
Concept of health, risk and disease
Outline of Epidemiology
Definition and purpose of epidemiology, the frequency measures of
health events, association measures, epidemiological studies
Food hygiene
The feeding
Food preservation: aims; problems; main means
and technologies
Food deterioration: Alterations; adulteration; adulteration;
Food contamination: Biological contamination, Chemical contamination, Physical contamination.
Epidemiology and Prophylaxis of the main Food Toxinfections:
Toxinfection from Cl. botulinum, Toxinfection from Salmonella spp,
Toxinfection from St. aureus, Toxinfection from Cl. perfringens,
Toxinfection by B. cereus, Minor toxins, Mycotoxins
Control and self-control of food chains: the HACCP system; Risk analysis: assessment, management and communication of risks and associated hazards