Introduction. General architecture of the human body: cells, tissues, organs, systems or apparatuses. Anatomical terms. Integumentary system (overview). Functions. Skin (epidermis and dermis) and skin appendages. Layers of the epidermis.
Cardiovascular system. Heart location and topography. Structure and function of valves. Blood vessels and circulation. Functional anatomy of the circulatory system: arteries, veins, and capillaries. Systemic and pulmonary circulation. Aorta and its primary branching divisions.
Lymphatic system. Lymph, lymphatic organs, vessels. General characteristics of lymphatic circulation. Main lymphatic trunks. Lymph nodes. Spleen: shape, position, relationships, and structure.
Musculoskeletal system. Generalities, classification, and structure of bones. Generalities and classification of joints. Generalities and classification of muscles and tendons. Head: bones of the cranial vault, bones of the facial skeleton. Trunk: vertebral column (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx vertebrae). Thorax (ribs and sternum). Shoulder girdle (scapula and clavicle) and glenohumeral joint. Upper limb (humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, metacarpal bones, and phalanges). Pelvic girdle (ilium, ischium, and pubis) and hip joint. Lower limb (femur, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges) and knee joint.
Nervous system. Generalities. Somatic and visceral nervous system. Functional classification of neurons. Spinal cord: general superficial and deep organization. Spinal nerves. Plexuses and innervation of trunk and limbs. Brain (brainstem, cerebellum, diencephalon, telencephalon). Peripheral nervous system. Sympathetic system: sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Respiratory system. Nose, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lung parenchyma. Respiratory mechanics (overview).
Digestive system. Oral vestibule, oral cavity, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, and stomach. Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), large intestine. Liver. Pancreas.
Urinary system. Kidney, calyces, and renal pelvis. Ureters. Urinary bladder. Male and female urethra.