Nucleic acids - Cell organization: - Cell theory - Cell organization and dimensions - Cell study methods - Cells
prokaryotic and eukaryotic - Cell membranes - The cell nucleus - The cytoplasmic organelles - The cytoskeleton - The cellular coatings - The biological membranes: - The structure of biological membranes - The passage of materials through biological membranes - Passive transport - Active transport - Exocytosis and endocytosis - Cellular junctions - Cellular communication: - Cell signaling: an overview - Reception - Signal transduction - Signal responses - The evolution of cellular communication - Cell energetic processes: - Biological work - The laws of thermodynamics - Energy and metabolism - ATP, energy currency of the cell - The transfer of energy in redox rations - The transformation enzymes of aerobiosis and cellular anaerobiosis: - Redox reaction - The four stages of aerobic respiration - Anaerobic respiration and fermentation-The structure of the chromosomes and processes of mitosis and meiosis: - Eukaryotic chromosomes, The cell cycle and mitosis - The regulation of the cell cycle - Sexual reproduction and meiosis - The structure and replication of DNA: - The proof that DNA is the hereditary material - The structure of DNA - The replication of DNA - Gene expression: - The discovery of the gene-protein relationship- The transcription- The translation- The fraction of genetics under examination- Mutations-The mechanisms of gene regulation: - Gene regulation in bacteria and eukaryotes- - Viruses - Viroids and prions - The prokaryotes - The two prokaryotic domains - the asexual reproduction - spermatogenesis, ovogenesis and fertilization
In the context of the discussion of the various topics will be addressed issues related to gender difference.
Locomotor system Overview, classification and structure of bones. In a
general manner and classification of the joints. In a general manner
classification of muscles and tendons. Head: bones of the cranial box,
bones of the massive facial. Trunk: vertebral column (cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, sacrum and coccyx). Chest (ribs and sternum). Scapular girdle
(scapula and clavicle) and scapulo-humeral articulation. Upper limb
(humerus, radius, ulna, carpus, metacarpus and phalanges). Pelvic girdle
(ileum, ischio and pubis) and coxo-femoral joint. Lower limb (femur, tibia,
fibula, tarsus, metatarsal and phalanges) and knee joint.
Central nervous systemIn a general manner: systematic, topographic,
clinical radiological anatomySpinal cord. Encephalous (brainstem,
cerebellum, diencephalon, telencephalon)Peripheral nervous
systemSympathetic System: Orthosympathetic and Parasympathetic.
Cardiocirculatory system: Heart, location and topography. Structure and
function of the valves. Functional anatomy of the circulatory system:
arteries, veins and capillaries. The small circulation and the great
circulation. Aorta and its primary branches of division.
Lymphatic system: general characteristics of the lymphatic circulation.
Lymph node stations of the head, neck, thorax, upper limb and lower
limb. Main lymphatic trunks. Lymph nodes. Spleen: form, position,
relationships and structure.
Respiratory system: Nose, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and
pulmonary parenchyma. Pleure and respiratory mechanics.
Digestive system: Vestibule of the mouth, oral cavity, pharynx,
esophagus and stomach. Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum and ileum),
large intestine. Liver and biliary ways. Pancreas.
Urinary apparatus: Kidney, calyxes and renal pelvis. Ureters. Urinary
bladder. Male and female urethra.
Male Genital SystemTesticles. Spermatic ways. External genital organs.
Female Genital ApparatusOvary. Genital ways. External genital organs.
Endocrine system: Pituitary, Thyroid, Adrenal, in a general manner.
- Cell structure
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- Cellular organelles and cytoskeleton
- Extracellular matrix
- Cell junctions
- Active and passive transport mechanisms
- Cell cycle
- Epithelial tissue
- Exocrine and endocrine glandular epithelial tissue
- Connective tissues
- Cartilaginous tissue
- Bone tissue
- Hemopoietic and lymphatic tissue
- Muscle tissue
- Nervous tissue
- Tissue embryological development: Stages of the life cycle - Gametogenesis - Development of the gonads - Spermatogenesis - Ovogenesis - Fertilization - Segmentation - Gastrulation - Embryonic sheets - fetus development.