Nucleic acids - Cell organization: - Cell theory - Cell organization and dimensions - Cell study methods - Cells
prokaryotic and eukaryotic - Cell membranes - The cell nucleus - The cytoplasmic organelles - The cytoskeleton - The cellular coatings - The biological membranes: - The structure of biological membranes - The passage of materials through biological membranes - Passive transport - Active transport - Exocytosis and endocytosis - Cellular junctions - Cellular communication: - Cell signaling: an overview - Reception - Signal transduction - Signal responses - The evolution of cellular communication - Cell energetic processes: - Biological work - The laws of thermodynamics - Energy and metabolism - ATP, energy currency of the cell - The transfer of energy in redox rations - The transformation enzymes of aerobiosis and cellular anaerobiosis: - Redox reaction - The four stages of aerobic respiration - Anaerobic respiration and fermentation-The structure of the chromosomes and processes of mitosis and meiosis: - Eukaryotic chromosomes, The cell cycle and mitosis - The regulation of the cell cycle - Sexual reproduction and meiosis - The structure and replication of DNA: - The proof that DNA is the hereditary material - The structure of DNA - The replication of DNA - Gene expression: - The discovery of the gene-protein relationship- The transcription- The translation- The fraction of genetics under examination- Mutations-The mechanisms of gene regulation: - Gene regulation in bacteria and eukaryotes- - Viruses - Viroids and prions - The prokaryotes - The two prokaryotic domains - the asexual reproduction - spermatogenesis, ovogenesis and fertilization
In the context of the discussion of the various topics will be addressed issues related to gender difference