Part I
Introduction to biotechnologies, biotechnological drugs, and impact on pharmaceutical market.
DNA recombinant technology, production of recombinant proteins. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of biotechnological drugs. Stability of biotechnological drugs: photo-instability, chemical and physical instability.
Therapeutic proteins: classification and functionalization. Monoclonal antibodies: development and clinical applications. Delivery systems based on monoclonal antibodies.
Polypeptide hormones: insulin, growth hormone. follicle stimulating hormone. Cytokines: interleukins, interferons, erythropoietin. Blood proteins: coagulation factors.
Biotech vaccines.
Part II
Introduction to the biotechnological drugs analysis’ aims and methods. Chromatographic methods. Electrophoretic methods. Spectrometric methods. Hyphenated techniques. Circular dichroism. Differential scan calorimetry and isothermal titration calorimetry. Structural characterization of bio-conjugates and hybrid molecules.