The assessment method is based on a written and an oral test.
The student must demonstrate have acquired sufficient knowledge:
-the causes and mechanisms underlying inflammation processes;
-the topics of Environmental Pathology, with particular reference to the mechanisms of radiation damage;
-the causes and molecular mechanisms of neoplasia;
-the mechanisms underlying the alterations of thermal homeostasis and anemia.
The examination of the form consists of a written test and an oral test to be held on the same day. The written test is preliminary to the oral examination. If the exam is not completed on the same day due to excessive numbers of students, it is postponed to the following day.
The written test will consist of 10 multiple choice questions (i.e. multiple choice with only one correct answer). The total points of the written test are 30 (3 points for each correct answer, 0 points for each wrong answer). The student must have answered correctly at least 6 out of 10 questions (corresponding to the minimum grade of 18/30). The written test will last 20 minutes.
The oral exam will start with the presentation of an individual work in the form of a thesis or ppt file, the result of research activities on specific topics of the course, as moments of study and application of knowledge, in line with the training objectives previously indicated. This first phase will be followed by an interview on subjects covered during the lectures.
The oral exam will include the evaluation of individual work that will be based on the degree of deepening of the topic under discussion.
For the evaluation of the oral exam, the following assessment schedule will be considered:
DATA-CONTENT: correctness and relevance
Complete: 30
Extensive: 29-27
Discrete even with some gaps: 26-24
Fully enough: 23-21
Just enough with obvious shortcomings: 20-18
DATA-ARGUMENTS: breadth and coherence
Rigorous and documented highlighting ability to use the acquired knowledge and to link it in the argumentation:30
Precise and detailed: 29-27
Appropriate: 26-24
Fully enough: 23-21
Just enough: 20-18
Refined and original: 30
Clear, flowing and correct: 29-27
Discrete: 26-24
Sufficient: 23-21
Not fully adequate: 20-18
The final mark of the module will derive from the mathematical average of the written test and the oral exam.
To pass the exam you must obtain a grade of not less than 18/30.
To achieve a score of 30/30 cum laude, the student must demonstrate that he/she has acquired excellent knowledge of all the topics covered during the course, being able to link them in a logical and coherent way.