"G. d'Annunzio"
Are not required.
Teaching aims to provide the epistemological and methodological basis of General Psychology. At the end of the course, the students will have to show that they have understood the fundamentals concerning the program individual points and that they have acquired an appropriate language to express them.
The main topics of General Psychology will be adressed, paying particular attention to experimental research methodology, cognitive and affective process. One special part will be devote to the study of psychological stress and clinical related in the post traumatic diseases phenomenology.
The program focuses on specific topics: 1. Elements of psychology history 2. Research methods 3. Mind and behavior 4. The perception 5. The memory 6. Communication and languages 7. The intelligence 8. The emotions 9. The psychological test features. Special part The stress concept and post-traumatic diseases
Mecacci L. (a cura di): Manuale di Psicologia Generale, Giunti Milano, 2001. Giannantonio M. (a cura di): Psicotraumatologia e Psicologia dell’Emergenza, Ecomind Salerno, 2003 (Only chapter 1).
Frontal Lessons.
The exam is oral. Verification of learning will take place through an oral test. The final mark is expressed in marks out of thirty according to the following scheme: 18-21 sufficient knowledge of the subject; 22-24 discreet knowledge of the subject; 25-27 good knowledge of the subject; 28-30 excellent knowledge of the subject; 30 and praise outstanding knowledge of the subject.
In addition to the number of hours scheduled for teaching, tutoring meetings will be agreed where every attempt will be made to fill any gaps. Email: barbara.vitale@unich.it