Teacher: Prof. Scarchillo Gianluca
Degree course: SEGI (6 CFU)
Department of afference: Legal Sciences
SSD: IUS / 02
Telephone number: 085.4537611 - 347.4486052
Student reception days and times: before and after the lesson
Semester: II
The course aims:
a) to introduce the study of comparative law through knowledge of the history and objectives of the comparison, as well as the methods and classifications generally used by the same;
b) to identify the aspects that characterize the main western legal systems of civil law and common law by examining the historical evolution and the current configuration of the sources of law, the training of the lawyer, the legal professions and some institutions characteristic;
c) to investigate the evolution of the public limited company model in European company law.
Course program (divided into modules):
1st module (1CFU):
Legal comparison: evolution, object, purpose, classification of legal systems.
II module (3 CFU):
The western juridical tradition in the main civil and common law systems: the historical evolution, the sources of the law, the training of the jurist, the legal professions, hints to some characteristic institutions.
III module (2 CFU):
The module will concern the study of the EC Regulation in the Statute of a European joint-stock company (SE - Societas Europea) in the context of the evolution of the model of a joint-stock company in contemporary European systems.
Recommended textbooks:
V. VARANO - V. BARSOTTI, The Western legal tradition, Volume I. Text and materials for a comparison of civil law common law, Giappichelli, Turin, latest edition, chapters I, II, III.
AA.VV., The European Society, Community sources and national models, edited by D. Corapi and F. Pernazza, Giappichelli, Turin, 2011, Title I and II.
Verification of learning: Oral