The educational goal for the student is to reach the following learning outcomes:
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione
The course aims to provide students with an adequate level of knowledge to investigate the specific issues of the transport sector, logistics and supply chain management, introducing them to problems related to the planning of transport infrastructures and to the analysis of planning, to the supply chain and to the logistics management techniques. The corporate lawyer is required to possess specific competences about digital technologies; the business management systems constitute the instrument for the development, analysis and control of certain products characterizations (i.e. origin and tariff classification) fundamental for the application of the customs legislation. The ability to interact with the IT is therefore of the utmost importance.
Autonomia di giudizio
The student must be able to connect economic/ business and technological aspects of logistics, supply chain and cross-border businesses.
Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione
At the end of the course, the student will have the needed inputs of knowledge to understand the main technical-operational issues related to different functions of transport companies and cross-border business, such as administration, commercial development, strategic and operational planning, logistics. Also the student will be able to understand and solve the main problems of a business and economic nature that distinguish the consulting activities in favor of companies engaged in the processes of globalization. Abilità comunicative
The student must be able to critically analyze the legal constraints that regulate the international movement of goods, employing technical and managerial terminology of logistics processes, and contributing to the resolution of operational problems on companies’ activities on international markets.