Development of the SNC
Introduction to the nervous system:
a) Neuron, nerve fiber, inhibitory and excitatory synapses, nerve impulse and integration of the nervous impulse, classification of neurons; ganglia, nerves, nuclei and columns.
b) General organization and subdivisions of the nervous system: central and peripheral nervous system; somatic and visceral nervous system; concept of sensory and motor pathway,
Peripheral receptors.
Spinal cord:
a) Macroscopic and topographic anatomy
b) metamericic organization.
c) Real and apparent origin of spinal nerves, innervation territories.
d) Antomeric bases of reflexes.
e) medullary lesions and degenerative diseases
Encefalic trunk:
a) External and internal morphology of elongated marrow, bridge and midbrain;
b) Fourth ventricle
c) Clinical notes
a) Macroscopic and microscopic structure
b) Connections and functions
a) Diencephalon:
Organization; morphology and connections of:
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- subtalamo
- metatalamo
- epitalamo.
b) Third ventricle
c) Telencephalon:
Surface (fissures, furrows and convolutions); cortical areas and their functional significance, microscopic structure, limbic system, nucleus of the telencephalon, white matter of the telencephalon (semi-oval center and internal capsule, external and extreme, commessural formations).
d) Side ventricles