1- BIOPHYSICS OF EXCITABLE MEMBRANES. Ionic channels: classification, molecular structure, gating mechanisms. Membrane potentials: ionic balance and passive properties of the membrane. Rest potential: genesis, potassium and sodium permeability of the membrane at rest, sodium-potassium pump. Graduated potentials: ionic bases, physical properties, exciters and inhibitors, spatial and temporal summation. Action potential: ionic bases of the depolarization and repolarization phases, the refractory periods. Conduction of potentials. Differences between graduated potentials and action potentials: genesis, stimulus decoding, conduction.
2- SYNAPTIC TRANSMISSION. General characteristics, electrical synapses, chemical synapses and their classification. Mechanism of action of chemical synapses: role of Ca2 + and specific proteins in the process of exocytosis. Neurotransmitters: classification and function. Synaptic receptors and postsynaptic potentials: transduction mechanism. Synaptic activity: occlusion and facilitation, synaptic decrease, retrograde information, synaptic plasticity. Neuro-muscular synapses: release of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft, diffusion, inactivation by acetylcholinesterase, binding with synaptic receptors, re-uptake of choline. Curare action on muscle receptors. Ionic selectivity of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: plaque potential, Na / K ion permeability.
Skeletal muscle: anatomy. Structural and functional basis of contraction: sarcolemma, T-tubule, sarcoplasmic reticulum and relative ion channels, sarcomere. Mechanisms of the excitation-contraction coupling process. Contraction of skeletal muscle: role of Ca2 + and ATP, formation-breaking cycle of transverse bridges. Tension-length curve in the sarcomere. Simple shock, incomplete and complete tetanus. Types of muscle fibers: classification and functional metabolic characteristics. Motor units: classification, functional properties and recruitment. Types of contraction: isometric, isotonic, concentric and eccentric. Load-velocity and force-velocity curves, visco-elastic components and contractile components. Energy sources of muscle work, the laws of thermodynamics and performance, aerobic and anaerobic work, muscle fatigue. Graduation mechanisms of muscle strength. Muscle plasticity.
Smooth muscle: general characteristics of smooth muscle cells; organization of thick and thin myofilaments; regulatory mechanisms of intracellular Ca2+. Contraction in smooth muscle: role of calmodulin and myosin light chain phosphorylation and relaxation phases. Cycle of the cross bridges. Speed and duration of contraction. Force-velocity and tension-length relationship in smooth muscle. Functional characteristics.