General principles of the endocrine system.
Background and concept of homeostasis. Nervous,hormonal, paracrine and autocrine communication. Hormones: classification, biosynthesis, secretion. Blood transport and protein binding, free quota. Mechanism of action, hormone-receptor binding:
binding studies, membrane receptors and signaltransduction pathways, intracellular receptors. Receptorial desensitization (homologous, heterologous). Regulation of hormonal secretion, feedback control mechanisms, circadian rhythms
and hormonal secretion. Overview of the methods for the determination of the plasma concentration of hormones (biological dosage, radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay). Hypothalamus hypophysis
axis. Role of the hypothalamus in the control of hormone secretion. Hypothalamic neuroendocrine cells. Functional aspects of the hypophyseal portal circle. Neurohypophysis hormones: oxytocin and
vasopressin. Adenohypophysis. Endocrine growth regulation (GH). Secretion of secretion and circadian rhythm. Variations with age. Factors that stimulate and inhibit Somatomedine or IGF secretion. Feedback control. Actions of GH. Prolactin. Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis: TSH,
thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Synthesis, deposit, circulation and blood transport. Factors that regulate secretion and feedback control mechanisms. Thyroid hormone actions. Effects on the SNA and
on the physiological parameters of the organism. Effects on growth (bone and cartilage) and on CNS development. Effects on heat production. Enhancement of the effects of others hormones. Hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal axis: ACTH, cortisol, aldosteone, dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA). Glycocorticoids (Cortisol): Secretion
rhythms. Circadian rhythms. Factors that regulate secretion and feedback control mechanisms. Actions on target organs: actions on metabolism, anti-insulin effects, actions on muscle, bone, connective tissue, actions on the cardiovascular system, renal actions, neurological actions, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive action.
Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone): see renal
physiology. Endocrine control of sexual function and reproduction. Pituitary gonadotropins: stimulating and luteinizing follicle hormone. Secretion rhythms. Circadian rhythm. Variations with age. Gonadal hormones: estrogens and androgens. Control of the ovarian and menstrual cycle. Endocrine control
during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Male gonadal hormones: interaction between the cells of Sertoli, Leydig, peritubular and germ cells. Male gametogenesis. Endocrine regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism Physiological role of
calcium and phosphorus.Consequences of hyper and hypocalcemia. Distribution of calcium in the
body .. Plasma calcium: ionized, complexed with low
molecular weight anions and bound to proteins.
Consequences of acidosis and alkalosis. Body
muscle homeostasis: absorption, renal excretion,
deposition and reabsorption of bone tissue.
Endocrine regulation: Vitamin D, parathormone and
calcitonin of the blood levels of calcium and
phosphorus. Endocrine regulation of energy
metabolism Regulation of energy deposits by leptin. Absorption and post-absorption states. Pancreatic islet hormones: insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide. Secretion mode. Effects on glucose, lipid and protein metabolism. Actions on muscle,
adipose and hepatic tissue. Mutual and
complementary interactions of pancreatic hormones. The adrenal medulla Adrenaline and noradrenaline. Adrenergic receptors. Biological effects. Control of secretion by the orthosympathetic. Coordinated nervous response, endocrine (catecholamines and cortisol) and behavioral stress.