"G. d'Annunzio"
Knowledge of the anatomy and joint function of the body system
Allow the knowledge of the causes and possible physiotherapeutic actions suitable for the resolution of damage to the osteomyofascial and nervous tissues
Injuries and rehabilitation from direct and indirect trauma in the osteomyofascial subsystem and in the nervous system
Biomechanics of the traumatic act, muscle injuries, nerve injuries, tendon injuries, bone injuries, osteoarticular injuries and related physiotherapy in first aid
Tendinopatie stato dell'arte e prospettive - Autori Frizziero Oliva Mafullì Editore Pacini editoria, Le lesioni muscolari nello sportivo - Autori Nanni edizione Marrapese, Manuale di ortopedia e traumatologia - Autori Giannini Faldini Edizioni Minerva Medica
Frontal teaching
oral exam with a grade of 30/30
for information contact the number 08713553211