Main branches of Toxicology;
Classification of toxic agents; Classification of toxic effects.
Mode of passage of xenobiotics through biological membranes;
absorption, distribution, biotransformation, bioactivation and excretion of xenobiotics;
main routes of penetration of xenobiotics, consequent toxic effects and possible prevention interventions;
Bioavailability; volume of distribution; hemato-encephalic and placental barrier; Main deposit sites.
Mechanisms of toxicity (receptor-mediated, formation of free radicals ...);
Half-life, therapeutic index; dose-exposure ratio; dose-response relationship; dose-threshold, exposure limits values. Effects with threshold and effects without threshold and risk assessment in humans.
Main factors able to influence the toxicological response (dose, sex, age, exposure to mixtures ...).
Carcinogenesis, genotoxicity and developmental toxicology. Nanoparticle toxicity. Endocrine disrupters.
Descriptive toxicity studies:
acute, subacute and chronic toxicities of toxicity
environmental monitoring
biological monitoring
plastic industry
rubber industry
Lead toxicity
Cadmium toxicity
Mercury toxicity
Chromium toxicity
Main branches of Toxicology;
Classification of toxic agents; Classification of toxic effects.
Mode of passage of xenobiotics through biological membranes;
absorption, distribution, biotransformation, bioactivation and excretion of xenobiotics;
main routes of penetration of xenobiotics, consequent toxic effects and possible prevention interventions;
Bioavailability; volume of distribution; hemato-encephalic and placental barrier; Main deposit sites.
Mechanisms of toxicity (receptor-mediated, formation of free radicals ...);
Half-life, therapeutic index; dose-exposure ratio
Mechanisms of toxicity (receptor-mediated, formation of free radicals ...);
Half-life, therapeutic index; dose-exposure ratio; dose-response relationship; dose-threshold, exposure limits values. Effects with threshold and effects without threshold and risk assessment in humans.
Main factors able to influence the toxicological response (dose, sex, age, exposure to mixtures ...).
Carcinogenesis, genotoxicity and developmental toxicology. Nanoparticle toxicity. Endocrine disrupters.
Descriptive toxicity studies:
acute, subacute and chronic toxicity
The regulatory framework of industrial hygiene.
- Evaluation of biological risk
- Evaluation of Chemical Risk: Chemical Agents, Substances and Preparations;
Definitions and field of application;
Detection of carcinogens and mutagens in the workplace;
Replacement and reduction;
Definition and assessment of risk;
Occupational exposure limit values;
Measurement of chemical agents.
- Evaluation of physical risk: microclimate, noise, lighting, vibrations