In accordance with the Dublin descriptors, the educational objectives of the course are:
-the acquisition of the basic information required to understand:
-human embryonic derivation, the concept of stem cell and differentiation;
-the knowledge of morpho-functional bases necessary to understand the microscopic organization of the different human tissues at cellular and subcellular level at the basis of physiological and pathological processes, to which one's professional intervention is addressed.
The achievement of the general objective allows the student to make full use of the subsequent courses that require morphological knowledge and provides the graduate with a cultural substrate useful for practicing the profession, for interacting with other professionals and for exploiting the applicative aspects of the discipline in the fields of education, rehabilitation, sports and free time
Therefore, the expected results, at the end of the course, consider that at the end of the course the student must be able to discern the main concepts between the tissues of the human body and understand the functions of the organ that they form; the student will have acquired independent judgment by increasing the learning skills.
Therefore, at the end of the course the student will have to possess the fundamental concepts to discuss the correlations between the tissues of the human body and their functions, will be able to apply histologic knowledge and understand the technical aspects, didactic and biomedical of movement. In addition, he will have acquired interpersonal and expressive skills with regard to basic anatomical terminology and the skills necessary for achieving the objectives and for orientation towards the career opportunities provided by the degree course [communication skills].