The course will address a working methodology that can be summarized in the following points:
(as a moment of general learning, or a phase of knowledge of the space or place through critical observation carried out with sketches, annotations, photography, photomontage or narration and the story)
(as a moment of learning through the architect's tool, that is the 2d and 3d geometric design, the sketch, the dimensional survey, the projection, the architectural models, etc.)
(as a moment of creating a critical thought regarding the problem to be solved and the elaboration of an idea or "concept" that represents the design will. The elaboration of the concept can be exemplified in a graphic, plastic or photomontage elaboration)
(as a moment of creating the spatial organization, the technical and technological solutions, the choice of materials and the character of the building)
This is followed by the phase of thinking, that is the theorization and conceptualization of what you intend to do. This very important phase is mediated by our culture and experience, by the knowledge of both historical and more recent references, by the knowledge of similar situations, or by our knowledge and by the study done on the subject. This phase ends with the development of an idea, or a "concept" that also represents the intentions of the project in an abstract way. The “concept” must then be translated into a project, that is, the theoretical contents of the concept must be extrapolated and made into space, measure and identity.