French Language Program
- Basic notions of grammar.
- Elements of vocabulary and syntax.
- Notions related to communication.
- Analysis of sectoral linguistic dynamics.
- Analysis of authentic sector documents.
The course aims to provide the student with some essential grammatical structures for the purposes of linguistic competence and in particular communicative competence. Through the use of authentic documents, the aim will be to implement the specialized lexical baggage, addressing the main linguistic difficulties from a sectoral perspective. The use of multimedia supports is expected.
No prerequisites are required. The course delivery method will be traditional, with lectures and classroom exercises.
The reference texts are: Essential handouts will also be distributed during the lessons.
For non-attending students the handouts are replaced by the text L. PARODI, M. VALLACCO, Grammathèque. Contrastive grammar for Italians, Genoa, Cideb (any edition).
The exam includes an oral test associated with translation exercises to be carried out with a bilingual dictionary, where necessary.