At the end of the course the student will be able to correlate the generic concept of assistance to the more meaningful employment terminology, which represents the core of the course of study. The term assistance refers tout court to the work carried out by those who stay with those in need of care or professional or specific services. With assistance in the health sector we mean the set of provisions, services and initiatives aimed at the promotion, prevention or treatment of health. Each discipline is aimed at carrying out the assistance work. The term assisting captures a range of presences. We realize that this verb is a much more refined tool than habit leads us to consider. The science of assistance commensurate with the course of study in occupational therapy must necessarily reach out to the knowledge of the aspects functional to the representation of the universe of occupations. Only in this way can it have a profound sense to correlate the etymology "assistance" to that of the world of science and occupational therapy. The course, therefore, will aim at the knowledge of occupational science as a research tool to improve the assistance and therapeutic proximity of the professional. TAKEN FROM THE REFERENCE TEXT: “The investigations of occupational science must focus on the enhancement of methods aimed at understanding to what extent the representations of occupations correlate with individual physiological indicators of health, balance, prosperity. Occupational science could draw on the "complexity theory" which investigates many areas of knowledge, exploring different doctrines, in order to understand the multiple forces that shape the deep meaning of employment, as a core element of human identity. Since human occupations could be viewed as an intensified form of mind-body action in coping with intimately transformative problem situations, a meta-paradigmatic reading and investigation is needed, with an intellectual vitality shaped by the engagement and expansion of research, while cultivating the symbiotic relationship with occupational therapy. Occupational science develops multiple and dynamic links and links with other disciplines that shape human occupation, consequently also influencing the health of the individual and of the population”© Copyright.