COURSE STRUCTURE:The Degree Course Eco-sustainable Technologies and Environmental Toxicology is divided into three years: two semesters intended to provide a basic preparation and four more specifically professionalizing semesters, during which lessons, exercises, laboratories, seminars, and practical activities are planned on the ground, free courses, participation in external seminars, conferences, conventions.EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES:Chemical-toxicological and toxicological control to protect environmental, food, and industrial safety concerning the circular economy.TRAINING OBJECTIVES:The objective of the graduate in Eco-sustainable Technologies and Environmental Toxicology is to participate in the improvement of the living environment conditions by identifying harmful situations by favoring the overcoming and elimination of dangerous situations with the recovery of better environmental conditions including quality and safety of the elements. The figure of the graduate in Eco-sustainable Technologies and Environmental Toxicology preparation can be socially useful by helping to promote cultural and scientific training for the protection of the environment and health.Furthermore, skills will be provided by the most modern EMA (European Medicines Agency) guidelines relating to the mandatory nature of the environmental risk assessment (ERA) to have authorization for the introduction on the market of medicines for human use. The didactic structure of the degree course includes a group of basic disciplines, followed by professional disciplines. The course tends to provide graduates with adequate scientific-technical training that allows them to enter directly into the world of work.The final degree in Eco-sustainable Technologies and Environmental Toxicology is awarded to students who have acquired the knowledge listed and have developed the ability to apply them in specific working contexts in the sector in which they will be able to solve problems related to chemical-toxicological aspects and problems related to environmental contamination. The graduate in Eco-sustainable Technologies and Environmental Toxicology must have a solid practical knowledge that allows him to:• Carry out technical or professional roles defined in the various fields of application of the sciences and chemical-toxicological safety of the environment and food, also using statistical tools.• Prepare monitoring protocols for polluting substances present in the environment (water, air, soil) and contaminants in food.• Plan prevention and education interventions for the health of the population about the toxicological aspects deriving from the chemical and biological pollution of the environment and food.• Organize specific laboratory activities where chemical-analytical, biological, microbiological, and toxicological methods are applied, according to the quality system certification standards.• Carry out one's activity in public or private structures, in a freelance or dependency regime.SKILLS ACQUIRED:The graduate will be able to carry out functions in technical or professional roles in the field of environmental protection, thanks to the acquisition of specific skills, including:• Prepare protocols for chemical, microbiological, and eco-toxicological analyzes of the environment and atmosphere (water, food, waste, soil, soil, and air).• Prepare protocols to carry out water, air, soil, and food monitoring, to detect any contaminants.• Perform chemical checks according to the most modern certified quality, toxicological and microbiological systems for the protection of food and the industrial environment (water, air, soil).• Be able to apply standardized sampling methodologies and certified and instrumental analytical methodologies suitable for the detection, recognition, and quantification of toxic and contaminants in the various matrices included in the work context.• Plan prevention and education interventions for the health of the population about the toxicological aspects deriving from chemical and biological pollution.